The Recycle Cycle

Did you ever think, where in the world does all the garbage that you carelessly throw away go? Well, a short answer is landfills, oceans, and forests. Not many people recycle everything they can even though it’s very easy, and if you don’t it could hurt the planet majorly. So,, that’s why I’m here to tell you to recycle, what will happen if you don’t, and how you can stop what”s bound to happen if you don’t.

People have two options, you could care and do something about it or you could sit back, relax and watch the world become a big dump. Statistically about 4.4 pounds of trash is thrown away per day and only 1.51 pounds of trash are recycled. With those same statistics, about 34.772 billion pounds of trash are thoughtlessly thrown out per day and only 11.91088 billion pounds of trash are recycled each day. Once we run out of room on earth, then where do we go… Space?

Not only will we be affected by this trash problem but also will the other animals and plants. Even if we could move out of this world, most of the animals would most likely be extinct by the time we leave. Fish, seabirds, sea turtles, and other marine animals are most affected by pollution caused by us. Most will die from eating it and choking, becoming entangled in plastic, and drowning, or becoming a sitting duck for predators which will then eat the plastic that’s encased its prey and also die. Some trash can get into the soil of plants, which will negatively affect the plants in the area. If someone burns items, it can cause air pollution, which can then kill animals by infecting their lungs.

But after all that sadness there is something you can do. For instance instead of throwing away compostable items, you can have a bucket to put all of your items in. Then either create a compost pile or keep a bucket with a charcoal filter. Charcoal filters can be used to trap the odors of the compost bucket. Here’s an easier thing to do, just use reusable items like straws, or cloth shopping bags. Then one last easy thing to do is to not waste items, if you can, don’t waste things like paper, or if you have electronics, be careful with them, use them for as long as you can so they don’t kill the planet, overall just use them for as long as you can.

Now that I’ve told you to recycle, what will happen if you don’t, and how you can stop what’s bound to happen if you don’t. Now, it’s all up to you. Tell others about the risks of not recycling. Recycle and save the planet!

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